Contact us Today at 508-822-3151

OUR CERTIFICATIONS:      ISO 9001:2015     IQNET     DQS


KMS is a family owned & operated provider of precision machining services enjoying 35 successful years of supporting multiple industries.

Our professional philosophy is to always strive to achieve collective productive excellence. We support the attainment of the goal by continually enhancing the skills of the individual employee, by employing the latest in available machining technology, by implementing innovative manufacturing processes wherever possible, by monitoring our performance with an interactive quality monitoring system and then focusing these collective efforts towards securing long term relationships with all customers.

Our well maintained manufacturing capabilities include 20 CNC Citizens, 15 of which are 32mm bar capable; two Miyano 42mm CNC multi-axis turn-mill machines, conventional CNC turning & CNC milling capabilities, tool room & prototype machining, precision deburring and sub-assembly capabilities and for those applications where required, in-house TIG welding services. Heat-treating, plating and other integral requirements can be accommodated utilizing an extensive network of approved service providers.

Our staff of well experienced veterans are dedicated to their profession, committed to the precepts of our ISO certification while focusing on our TQM objectives, totally supported by a company whose mission is to continuously seek to exceed the expectations of the customer. Collectively, our objective is to be an efficient, effective full-service organization providing customers the optimum in value; maximizing return, while minimizing investment.

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